Tonight as I walked home from my friends home I was involved in an unfortunate event. I was walking on a sidewalk and a young couple was walking toward me. The woman had a baby strapped to her chest. As I drew closer to them something happened. The women for some reason spun around and made a yelling noise. As it played out I watched it in slow motion it seemed. The yell did not seem one of panic. In a split second a thought came to mind that maybe she was being silly with her husband or something, or perhaps she was trying to play with her baby.
But as she spun it seemed to grow increasingly unbalanced until she was facing me again falling forward. There may of been a moment where I could of jumped in front of her and prevented what was about to happen. Unfortunately I froze. It was like my body would not respond. She fell right in front of me right on top of her baby.
I was horrified. I thought maybe the fall could of killed her baby. Her husband and I tried to help her. She made some noises of pain but looked okay. She immediately checked on the baby. Miraculously the baby seemed fine. He/She actually seemed like he/she may of been sleeping. I heard him/her make a fairly typical sleeping baby grunting sound.
I continued walking and as I rounded the corner I looked back to see if everything was alright. The husband was brushing his wife off and then he looked at me. I can only imagine what he was thinking as he stared at me in that split second of eye contact...
Potentially horrifying.